About us

Our company is proud to have specialists with a background from the Danish Defence. We have dedicated and experienced consultants who bring unique skills and valuable expertise to our organization. By attracting former members of the Danish Defence, we have established a culture characterized by professionalism, discipline, reliability, and dedication.

Our specialists from the Danish Defence have undergone extensive training and gained experience in various areas of the military. They have demonstrated an impressive ability to work under pressure, make quick and informed decisions, and maintain composure in challenging situations. These qualities make our specialists ideal for tackling complex and demanding tasks within our field of expertise.

Torben is a former intelligence soldier from the Danish Defence with 12 years of experience in human intelligence and counterintelligence. His expertise includes gathering information from human sources and handling insiders within organizations. Through his work in counterintelligence, he has experience with protecting organizations from threats such as terrorism, espionage, sabotage, subversion, organized crime, and civil unrest.

Torben's impressive career includes serving as a Human Intelligence Agent Handler in Afghanistan and three deployments to Iraq, first as Deputy Commander of Counterintelligence and then twice as Commander of Counterintelligence. Torben is also trained as a Special Agent at NATO's Allied Command Counterintelligence.

Torben is not only an experienced practitioner but also a skilled instructor and leader. He is trained in Surveillance, Countersurveillance, Investigation, Tactical Questioning, Conduct after Capture, and Elicitation (the art of extracting information from individuals without their awareness). With numerous intelligence courses and significant experience as Deputy Commander of Human Intelligence at the Intelligence Regiment, Danish Defence, Torben brings unique and valuable expertise that your company can utilize to protect against insiders and industrial espionage.

Chief Executive Officer

Torben Kabel